1. #covid-19
  2. #covid-19-vaccines
  3. #disclosure
  4. #doi-10-1111-ijcp-13795
  5. #humans
  6. #informed-consent
  7. #medline
  8. #national-institutes-of-health
  9. #national-library-of-medicine
  10. #ncbi
  11. #nih
  12. #nlm
  13. #pmc7645850
  14. #pmid-33113270
  15. #pubmed-abstract
  16. #risk
  17. #ronald-veazey
  18. #sars-cov-2
  19. #timothy-cardozo
  20. #vaccinatie
  21. #vaccins
  22. #ziekte
  23. Artikelen

"COVID-19-vaccins kunnen vaccinontvangers gevoeliger maken voor een ernstigere ziekte"

Conclusie: “COVID-19-vaccins kunnen vaccinontvangers gevoeliger maken voor een ernstigere ziekte dan wanneer ze niet waren gevaccineerd. Dit risico is voldoende verhuld in protocollen voor klinische proeven”

Informed consent disclosure to vaccine trial subjects of risk of COVID-19 vaccines worsening clinical disease - PubMed

The specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for the trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics s …


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