1. #2001
  2. #9-11
  3. #counter-terrorism
  4. #new-york
  5. #scenario
  6. #terrorist
  7. #vliegtuig
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The Lone Gunman en 9/11

The Lone gunman en 9/11

The Lone gunman aflevering uit maart 2001 over een terroristisch plan om met een vliegtuig het WTC in New York binnen te vliegen heeft al heel wat stof op doen waaien. Vragen te over. Toeval, voorkennis en in het laatste geval, hoe zit dat dan en wat beogen de makers, hoe komen ze aan die info etc.
Christopher Knowles, probeert op zijn blog, The Secret Sun, antwoord te geven op die vragen.

Bertram Byers: "What the hell are you doing? Why can't you stay out of this? Leave me buried?"
Byers: "What is Scenario 12D? We know, it's a war game scenario, that it has to do with airline counter-terrorism. Why is it important enough to kill for?"
Bertram Byers: "Because it's no longer a game."
Byers: "But if, some terrorist group wants to, act out this scenario, why target you for assassination?"
Bertram Byers: "Depends on who your terrorists are."
Byers: "The men who conceived of it in the first place. You're saying our government plans to commit a terrorist act against a domestic air..."
Bertram Byers: "There you go, indicting the entire government as usual. It's a faction, a small faction..."
Byers: "For what possible gain?"
Bertram Byers: "The Cold War's over, John. But with no clear enemy to stockpile against, the arms market's flat. But bring down a fully-loaded 727 into the middle of New York City; you'll find a dozen tin-pot dictators all over the world, just clamouring to take responsibility. And begging to be smart bombed."
Byers: "I can't believe it; this is about increasing arms sales?"
Bertram Byers: "Mm-hmm."
Byers: "When?"
Bertram Byers: "Tonight."
Byers: "How are you going to stop them? Why didn't you tell the world this? Go to the press?"
Bertram Byers: "You think I'd still be drawing breath 30 minutes after I made that call? The press? Who's going to run this story?"
Byers: "We would."
Bertram Byers: "This?" [He picks up one of the newspapers] "This is birdcage liner. Wild-eyed crap right up there with, Elvis is an alien and two-headed babies."
Byers: "You obviously read it."
Bertram Byers: "Don't be so damn naive. You think this is going to save the world?


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  1. En wat te denken van de film "Die hard with a vengeance" (1995) Waarin een aanslag wordt gepleegd om het goud uit de kluizen te stelen.

    Of de The Long Kiss Goodnight 1996 met Geena Davis, waarin het motief van de terreur aanslag de financiering is van overheidsdiensten.
    Ooit plaatste ik die connectie op 911blogger en het bericht is een eigen leven gaan leiden op het internet. :-)