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De 2 vaders van de 2 massa-moordenaars zouden getuigen bij Libor schandaal

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Damage control en bedreiging aan alternatieve media en onderzoekers


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  1. Ook toevallig.
  2. De bron van het verhaal over James Holmes' vader is onduidelijk:

    In looking, I was able to trace the story back as far as Christopher King, who has several blogs. Using the email address and phone number on one of the blogs, I tried to contact Mr. King. My email was kicked back to me as undeliverable, and the phone number was disconnected.

    Mr. King may have the goods on this story. I don’t know. But I see no evidence that Robert Holmes was or is to testify. I see assertions. I see no evidence.


    maar een Zerohedge-lezer heeft uitgezocht dat:
    1.Fair Isaac Corporation (FICO) does have a San Diego office, where there is a Robert holmes.

    2. James Holmes is from san diego

    3. Robert does work at FICO- http://www.linkedin.com/pub/robert-holmes/4/47b/24a as a senior scientist on their proprietary fraud detection software for banks.

    4. If you want to see that this robert is THE robert holmes look at this video showing the father walking at the 2:12 mark, (only works in IE)
    http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7415664n&&&everything but the hearing.

    en dat is al erg toevallig- als het waar is.
  3. raspy-breeze-1388@raspy-breeze-1388
    Good digging piet!
  4. Zeker goed digging piet
  5. Waar kan ik het een en ander veriefieren?

    De bron van het verhaal over James Holmes' vader is onduidelijk:

  6. Mea culpa


    Moet zijn:verifiëren

  7. It seems the alternative media has been caught in purveying disinformation concerning the recent shootings in Connecticut, the father of one of the shooters, Peter Lanza and the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) scandal. In fact, research proves that Lanza has no ties to the LIBOR debacle, nor is there documentative evidence that Lanza is scheduled to testify at an up-coming hearing regarding the technocratic scheme.


    Het is een mooi verhaal maar ik heb er een slecht gevoel over.
  8. raspy-breeze-1388@raspy-breeze-1388
    Dat er vanwege de shooting een poging wordt gedaan de 2nd Amendment omzeep te helpen lijkt me glashelder. Zolang de Amerikanen gewapend blijven zal het minder gemakkelijk zijn de total control trip uit te rollen.
    The Columbine shooting, which is still misrepresented in the mainstream and alternative media, was used to instill the Violent Crime Control and Law Enforcement Act of 1994 which identified semi-automatic firearms, or assault weapons” as dangerous and removed them from the hands of all Americans for 10 years.

    Since then, the renewal of this restriction of the 2nd Amendment has not been approved by Congress.

    And while alternative media is spinning their wheels on disinformation and unsubstantiated allegations between Lanza and LIBOR, the Obama administration is setting the stage and implementing the necessary legislation to finally destroy our Constitutional right to bear arms and protect ourselves from this tyrannical government.

    Verder komt de auteur ook niet met het verhaal dan Anonymous een CIA en NSA black-op te noemen ....
  9. little-cake-5359@little-cake-5359
    Ha, het ouderwetse harcdcore CT-werk! Compleet met Manchurian Candidates!
  10. holy-hill-3835@holy-hill-3835
    De bron is Sorcha Faal, en het verhaal is (dus) onzin.
  11. fancy-wind-5507@fancy-wind-5507
    Mass Shootings Connected To Libor Scandal – THIS IS A HOAX STORY
  12. raspy-breeze-1388@raspy-breeze-1388
    Seems so, de andere interessante observaties blijven gaan over meerdere shooters:
  13. raspy-breeze-1388@raspy-breeze-1388
    Facebook gaat de dreigementen van de sherif in bovenstaand filmpje uitvoeren als je iets anders post dan het officiele verhaal ...go and figure ....http://www.naturalnews.com/038402_Facebook_censorship_Sandy_Hook_shooting.html
  14. raspy-breeze-1388@raspy-breeze-1388
    Plaatjes als dit kunnen je nu gevangenisstraf opleveren dus ...
  15. raspy-breeze-1388@raspy-breeze-1388
    USA, Land of the Free ... kuch
  16. young-flower-4892@young-flower-4892
    USA, Land of the Free

    Home of the Slave.... proest
  17. raspy-breeze-1388@raspy-breeze-1388
    Epression of the brave ...lol
  18. raspy-breeze-1388@raspy-breeze-1388