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Aanhangers Assad geëxecuteerd in Aleppo

Leden van de Al Berri stam worden opgepakt, gevangen gezet en standrechtelijk geëxecuteerd door opstandige strijders in Aleppo. De stam is traditioneel trouw aan de regering.

Volgens de westerse media/propaganda zou het gaan om leden van de zogenaamde Shabbiha-militie.

Elzevier:"De slachtoffers zijn leden van de gevreesde Shabbiha-militie. Die wordt verantwoordelijk gehouden voor slachtpartijen in Syrische plaatsen".

De onderstaande video zou gaan om de zogenaamde 'berechting' van Hassan Berri Bin Zino, de leider van de Berri stam in Aleppo voorafgaande aan de executie.

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  1. We were in a truce with the Berri clan, which are shabiha clan. We asked them to stay at home and not to support any part of the fight but they did not comply to the truce.

    We were attacking one of the police stations in the city and Berri clan began shooting against us from behind. They killed 15 members of the FSA. We were in big clashes with them and were able to kill 20 of them and arrest another 50.

    Then we held a field trial for them. We have judges and lawyers who are in the opposition. They found that seven of the Berri clan were involved in killing and they decided to execute them. Others are kept for trial after the collapse of the regime.

    We are keeping a lot of prisoners for trial after the collapse of the regime as long as their hands are clean of the Syrian people's blood, otherwise we kill them immediately.