1. #ben-bernanke
  2. #biflatie
  3. #dollar
  4. #grondstoffen
  5. #prijsstijging
  6. #qe2
  7. #voedsel
  8. Artikelen

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Biflatie in stroomversnelling door QE2

Het is ruim vier maanden geleden dat Ben Bernanke in zijn helicopter sprong voor QE2. Een reddingsplan van 600 miljard dollar, verdeeld over 8 maanden. In de afgelopen maanden is er al voor zo’n 350 miljard dollar aan treasuries opgekocht door Bernanke en kornuiten. En laten we de Open Market Operations niet vergeten. Ook goed voor 300 miljard dollar natuurlijk. Maar wat heeft dat nu precies voor effect gehad deze afgelopen maanden? Wellicht is QE2 niet de enige reden van de prijsstijging van grondstoffen en voedsel, maar het volgende lijstje is toch wel veelzeggend:


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  1. rough-dawn-5196@rough-dawn-5196

    As Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke announced another round of Quantitative Easing (QE2), those of us paying attention knew that the trigger had been pulled and Step Three had been executed. It was a declaration of economic war, an economic death sentence for tens of millions of people – deliberately devaluing the dollar and sparking inflation in commodities/basic necessities. It was a vicious policy that would impact people from Boston to Cairo.

    When QE2 was announced, I warned: “Food and Gas Prices Will Skyrocket, The Federal Reserve Just Dropped An Economic Nuclear Bomb On Us.” I also wrote: “The Federal Reserve is deliberately devaluing the dollar to enrich a small group of a global bankers, which will cause significant harm to the people of the United States and severe ramifications throughout the world…. The Federal Reserve’s actions are already causing the price of food and gas to increase and will cause hyperinflation on most basic necessities.”

    To be clear, there are several significant factors contributing to rising food prices, such as extreme weather conditions, biofuel production and Wall Street speculation; but the Federal Reserve’s policies deliberately threw gasoline all over those brush fires. QE2 was another economic napalm bomb from the global banking cartel.

    Zie ook annotatie.
  2. dawn-glitter-1155@dawn-glitter-1155
    Wow goeie post dit, Q en Zanussi...
    Die voedselprijsverhogingen sind QE2 zijn schrikbarend!
  3. mute-unit-7472@mute-unit-7472
    Zie artikel biflatie, katoenprijs sterk gestegen, dollerbiljetten worden gedrukt op katoen.

    en dan:
    So in order to replace the paper currency with dollar coins -- a long-advocated move that could save the government an estimated $5.5. billion over 30 years -- the General Accountability Office called on Congress, the Federal Reserve and the Treasury to help yank the $1 note from circulation.

    In Washington, though, it has been difficult to get Congress on board, in part because legislators from the South fear the end of paper dollars would be very tough on the cotton industry that supplies the Bureau of Engraving and Printing, Wartenberg notes.