1. #democratie
  2. #julian-assange
  3. #klokkenluiders
  4. #vrijheid
  5. #wikileaks
  6. Artikelen

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Wat Wikileaks overkomt, kan jou of mij ook overkomen

Zo langzamerhand vraag ik me toch werkelijk af in wat voor “democratie” of “vrije wereld” wij leven.. Neem nu Wikileaks.

Wikileaks, zo zal iedereen inmiddels weten, lekt informatie, die aan hun wordt doorgespeeld op het Internet. Het is de grootste site voor klokkenluiders in de wereld.

Er is veel discussie of het bekend maken van geheime informatie van overheden en grote bedrijven een goede, dan wel slechte zaak is. Maar of je nu voor of tegen bent, dan nog moet je een aantal zaken opvallen:

Wikileaks is nog nooit ergens veroordeelt door een rechter en dat geldt ook voor haar leider Julian Assange.

Toch wordt er her en der door Westerse leidende figuren opgeroepen tot het vermoorden van Julian Assange, wordt hun domeinnaam geconfisceerd en bevriest de een na de andere bank de tegoeden van Wikileaks om de organisatie zo het functioneren onmogelijk te maken. Gisteren Paypal, vandaag volgden Mastercard en Postfinance, een Zwiterse bankorganisatie waar het verdedigingsfonds voor Julian Assange wordt beheerd.

Blijkbaar kan dit allemaal maar.. Ook zonder proces en zonder veroordeling mogen er fatwa’s worden uitgesproken en kan je de toegang tot je geld worden ontzegd. Als dat Wikileaks kan overkomen, kan dat vandaag of morgen dus ook jou of mij overkomen..

Wat een zegen he? Onze Westerse, vrije, democratische rechtsstaten..

“First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out–
because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out–
because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out–
because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me–
and there was no one left to speak out for me”.


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  1. Als Assange geen vrijheid van meningsuiting waard is, is het de samenleving kennelijk niets waard.
  2. plain-sun-5839@plain-sun-5839
    Das geen kletspraat van kletskous!
  3. Het is een race tegen de klok. Zal de elite op tijd alle teugels hebben aangehaald of komt de mensheid massaal in opstand.

    “First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out–
    because I was not a communist;
    Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out–
    because I was not a socialist;
    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out–
    because I was not a trade unionist;
    Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out–
    because I was not a Jew;
    Then they came for me–
    and there was no one left to speak out for me”.

    da's een mooi stukje idealisme maar je zou ook kunnen zeggen dat degenen die wel hun mond open doen dat vaak met de dood moeten bekopen.
    First they came for the communists and I spoke out
    They shot me
    Now no one will speak
  4. icy-fire-2073@icy-fire-2073

    Western Civilization no longer upholds the values it proclaims, so what is the basis for its claim to virtue?

    For example, the US print and TV media and the US government have made it completely clear that they have no regard for the First Amendment. Consider CNN’s Wolf Blitzer’s reaction to the leaked diplomatic cables that reveal how the US government uses deceptions, bribes, and threats to control other governments and to deceive the American and other publics. Blitzer is outraged that information revealing the US government’s improprieties reached the people, or some of them. As Alexander Cockburn wrote, Blitzer demanded that the US government take the necessary steps to make certain that journalists and the American people never again find out what their government is up to.

  5. icy-fire-2073@icy-fire-2073
    *Celente probeert met vage termen Verhagen weer te overtreffen.*
    Rare snijboon,maar hij heeft vaak gelijk
  6. icy-fire-2073@icy-fire-2073
    Neocon wil vrijheid weer verder insnoeren
    Can the US government prosecute media outlets that reported on the WikiLeaks cables? According to Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-CT), the answer is maybe.

    Following the release of thousands of documents by government watchdog WikiLeaks, Lieberman told the The New York Times that he wanted to use "all legal means" against the website.

    Appearing on Fox News Tuesday afternoon, Lieberman added that the US Constitution's protection of free speech may not be enough to keep media outlets out of harm's way if they dedicated coverage to the WikiLeaks disclosures.

    "I don't know if you can prosecute the Times under existing Supreme Court decisions," he told Fox Business News' Don Imus.

  7. Democratie is maar een lastig ding.
  8. Yeay man. Prima artikel.Democratie is blijven steken bij de oude grieken.Het is een "brand"zonder inhoud.Iedere dag worden we genaaid.
  9. frosty-queen-4169@frosty-queen-4169
    Het is nooit te laat om uit het droom te ontwaken.
  10. frosty-queen-4169@frosty-queen-4169
    "Few men are willing to brave the disapproval of their fellows, the censure of their colleagues, the wrath of their society. Moral courage is a rarer commodity than bravery in battle or great intelligence. Yet it is the one essential, vital quality for those who seek to change a world which yields most painfully to change."

    -Robert F. Kennedy 1966 Speech, US Democratic Politician
  11. Droom of nachtmerrie?
  12. icy-fire-2073@icy-fire-2073

    When asked about cables which cast him as Russia's "alpha-dog" ruler, Putin asked: "Do you think the American diplomatic service is a crystal clean source of information? Do you think so?"

    He then criticized the West over the arrest of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, who turned himself in to authorities in Britain this week after a warrant by a Swedish prosecutor who wants to question him about sexual misconduct accusations.

    "If it is full democracy, then why have they hidden Mr. Assange in prison? That's what, democracy?" Putin said, in the strongest Russian criticism of the affair.
