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  3. #assange
  4. #doodsbedreiging
  5. #julian-assange
  6. #klokkenluider
  7. #zwitserland
  8. Artikelen

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Wikileaks-oprichter Assange zet door

De oprichter van klokkenluidersorganisatie Wikileaks Julian Assange probeert de aanvallen op zijn website via Zwitserland van zich af te slaan. Hij zegt 'honderden doodsbedreigingen' te hebben gekregen.

De ongrijpbare oprichter van Wikileaks zei dat hij 'honderden doodsbedreigingen' heeft gekregen. In een online gesprek met de Spaanse krant El País zei Assange dat de jacht op hem heftig is. "We hebben honderden specifieke doodsbedreigingen gekregen van Amerikaanse legerfanaten. Dat is niet ongebruikelijk en we hebben geleerd van eerdere ervaringen om dat soort bedreigingen van islamitische extremisten of Afrikaanse kleptocraten te negeren", zegt hij.

"De situatie is recentelijk echter veranderd omdat de bedreigingen nu ook aan onze advocaten en mijn kinderen gericht zijn", voegt hij toe. "Wat echter de meeste zorgen baart zijn de specifieke oproepen van vooraanstaande Amerikanen tot onze uitroeiing, ontvoering en executie."


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  1. icy-fire-2073@icy-fire-2073
    Leerzame kost mbt achtergrond van degene die Assange beschuldigt van verkrachting
    Goed artikel.
    Yesterday Alexander Cockburn reminded us of the news Israel Shamir and Paul Bennett broke at Counterpunch in September. Julian Assange’s chief accuser in Sweden has a significant history of work with anti-Castro groups, at least one of which is US funded and openly supported by a former CIA agent convicted in the mass murder of seventy three Cubans on an airliner he was involved in blowing up.

    Small world, isn’t it? Julian Assange is the human face of Wikileaks – the organization that’s enabled whistle-blowers to reveal hideous war crimes and expose much of America’s foreign policy to the world.

    He just happens to meet a Swedish woman who just happens to have been publishing her work in a well-funded anti-Castro group that just happens to have links with a group led by a man at least one journalist describes as an agent of the CIA: the violent secret arm of America’s foreign policy.

    And she just happens to have been expelled from Cuba, which just happens to be the global symbol of successful defiance of American foreign policy.

    And – despite her work in Sweden upholding the human right of gender equity – in Cuba she just happens to end up associating with a group openly supported by an admitted CIA agent who himself committed mass murder when he actively participated in the terrorist bombing of a jetliner carrying a Cuban sports team…an act that was of a piece with America’s secret foreign policy of violent attacks against Cuban state interests.

    And now she just happens – after admittedly consensual sex – to have gone to Swedish authorities to report the sex ended without a condom…which just happens to be the pretext for Interpol to issue a “Red Notice” informing the world’s police forces of charges against Julian Assange.

    Who just happens to be the man America’s political class – the people who run America’s foreign policy – have been trying to silence. And who happens to be the man some of them have been calling to have murdered.
  2. icy-fire-2073@icy-fire-2073
    Ook het ''slachtoffer valt dus geheel in Wikileaks-style door de mand dankzij internet

    I’ve spent much of my professional life as a psychiatrist helping women (and men) who are survivors of sexual violence. Rape is a hideous crime. Yet in Assange’s case his alleged victim – the gender equity officer at Uppsula University – chose to throw a party for her alleged assailant – after they’d had the sex that even Swedish prosecutors concede was consensual. Barrister Caitlin again:

    [The] phenomena of social networking through the internet and mobile phones constrains Swedish authorities from augmenting the evidence against Assange because it would look even less credible in the face of tweets by Anna Ardin and SMS texts by Sofia Wilén boasting of their respective conquests after the “crimes”.

    In the case of Ardin it is clear that she has thrown a party in Assange’s honour at her flat after the “crime” and tweeted to her followers that she is with the “the world’s coolest smartest people, it’s amazing!”. Go on the internet and see for yourself. That Ardin has sought unsuccessfully to delete these exculpatory tweets from the public record should be a matter of grave concern. That she has published on the internet a guide on how to get revenge on cheating boyfriends ever graver. The exact content of Wilén’s mobile phone texts is not yet known but their bragging and exculpatory character has been confirmed by Swedish prosecutors. Neither Wilén’s nor Ardin’s texts complain of rape.