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Israël eist 'verlammende' sancties tegen Iran

Israël eist ,,verlammende'' sancties tegen Iran, nu Teheran zijn activiteit op het gebied van verrijking van uranium heeft opgevoerd.

Dit heeft de Israëlische premier Benjamin Netanyahu dinsdag gezegd tegen Europese diplomaten.

,,Iran stevent af op het maken van nucleaire wapens'', aldus Netanyahu. ,,Ik denk dat nu harde actie van de internationale gemeenschap nodig is. Dit betekent verlammende sancties en die sancties moeten meteen worden toegepast.''


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  1. patient-band-6377@patient-band-6377
    Israël moet zelf eerst maar eens openheid over het eigen nuclaire programma geven. Tot die tijd lijken keiharde sancties me gepast voor de zionistische jidden aldaar.
  2. Iran eist "verlammende" sancties Sharon Netanyahu.
  3. patient-rice-6993@patient-rice-6993
    Het verrijken van Uranium tot 20% is doorgaans geschikt voor medische isotopen. Zoals dat ook in Petten gebeurt...niet voor kernwapens dus.

    Het lijkt me duidelijk dat Netannazi een hele andere agenda er op na houdt dan vrede en veiligheid.
  4. young-flower-4892@young-flower-4892
    Vrede is slecht voor Israël Johnito dat willen ze koste wat het kost voorkomen....
  5. holy-hill-3835@holy-hill-3835
    De rest van de wereld voorhebben eist verlammende sancties tegen Israël.

    Hoe komt het toch dat die kleine giftige minderheid steeds zijn zin krijgt en de overgrote meerderheid niet...?
  6. young-flower-4892@young-flower-4892
    Hoe komt het toch dat die kleine giftige minderheid steeds zijn zin krijgt en de overgrote meerderheid niet...?

    Wel Tzolkin dat kon wel eens chantage zijn:

    “Israëlische kernbommen bedreigen wereld”
  7. patricksavalle@patricksavalle
    Ik eis verbanning van Israël. Het enige land dat alle VN-resoluties en internationale regelgeving aan zijn laars lapt. Het enige land met apartheid.
  8. icy-fire-2073@icy-fire-2073
    Ik eis verbanning van Israël. Het enige land dat alle VN-resoluties en internationale regelgeving aan zijn laars lapt. Het enige land met apartheid.

    Met eindeloze steun van VS zal het wel bij dromen blijven,Patman
    Michele Bachmann, the outspoken conservative House representative from Minnesota, says the United States will cease to exist if it "fails to stand" with Israel.

    "I am convinced in my heart and in my mind that if the United States fails to stand with Israel, that is the end of the United States," Bachmann said at a meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition in Los Angeles on Feb. 6.
  9. icy-fire-2073@icy-fire-2073
    Rep. Mike Pence: Israel Should Dictate U.S. Policy

    Senate Passes AIPAC's Iran Sanctions Bill in Five Minutes
  10. icy-fire-2073@icy-fire-2073
    Altijd weer aardig die insights mbt de lobby at work

    Probably the most controversial claim in my work with John Mearsheimer on the Israel lobby is our argument that it played a key role in the decision to invade Iraq in 2003. Even some readers who were generally sympathetic to our overall position found that claim hard to accept, and some left-wing critics accused us of letting Bush and Cheney off the hook or of ignoring the importance of other interests, especially oil. Of course, Israel's defenders in the lobby took issue even more strenuously, usually by mischaracterizing our arguments and ignoring most (if not all) of the evidence we presented.

    So I hope readers will forgive me if I indulge today in a bit of self-promotion, or more precisely, self-defense. This week, yet another piece of evidence surfaced that suggests we were right all along (HT to Mehdi Hasan at the New Statesman and J. Glatzer at Mondoweiss). In his testimony to the Iraq war commission in the U.K., former Prime Minister Tony Blair offered the following account of his discussions with Bush in Crawford, Texas in April 2002. Blair reveals that concerns about Israel were part of the equation and that Israel officials were involved in those discussions.

    Finally, let's not forget that while the Iraq war has been a disaster for the United States, it has also been very bad for Israel, not just because its principal patron has been stuck in a quagmire in Iraq, but also because the biggest winner from the war was Iran, which is the country that Israel fears most. All of this shows that despite the lobby's openly-stated commitment to promoting policies that it thinks will benefit Israel, it did not work out that way with the Iraq war. Nor is it working out that way with its unyielding support of Israel's self-destructive drive to colonize the Occupied Territories, a process that is turning Israel into an apartheid state. And the same warning applies to its efforts to keep all options-including the use of force -- "on the table" vis-à-vis Iran.

    Given all the problems that the lobby's prescriptions have produced in recent years, you'd think U.S. leaders would have learned to ignore its advice. But there's little sign of that so far, which means that these past errors are likely to be repeated. Don't say I didn't warn you.
